
Sailing Through Winter: Impressions and a Personal Update.

Ljubljana is slowly emerging from its holiday slumber. More people are walking the city streets, although they do so cautiously like drowsy bumblebees. The snow is fading into thin ice. I haven't seen a stray cat in days. The Christmas decorations are coming down today, I think. Faint scents of baked bread, grilled meat and car exhaust linger in the air around our neighbourhood. The sky is the colour of ash and I sit at my desk, dreaming.

Here's what I've been up to:

- Listening to psychedelic Finnish music, particularly Sateenkaarisuudelma. I was also introduced to experimentalists Vapaa and Keijo.
- I'm writing a paper for my Information Culture and Subcultures class. The course centers on how subcultures use digital technology to produce and distribute themselves and their material culture. For this essay I'm writing about the relationship between slash fan fiction and the internet. That's all I have at the moment.
- Or maybe I'll do something on open source digital graffiti projects.
- Avoiding beer and sticking to wine for the time being. I miss beer.
- As always, keeping up with Slovenian bloggers.

Pa ti?

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