
And by the way . . .

I should mention I had some friends over Tuesday night! I rarely have guests, so I took the opportunity to play host. I picked up some food, and we ate and drank until we decided to check out KMS, a student bar situated in the old tobacco factory in Vič. That's right, the same factory complex that houses the immigration office. I liked KMS. There was a line-up, which sometimes bothers me, but the club was packed. They played some vintage Slovenian pop then reverted to a house set.

By the way, we drank mošt at my place, which is wine before it turns into wine, basically. It can be terrible, but this stuff was outstanding. While still retaining a fruitful flavour, mošt does pack a whallop when it hits your head.


Iva said...

I would just call it we were wasted like idiots!!!!!!!!!!

Jay said...

Ha! Indeed, we were. Some more than others, yes? ;)

Iva said...

Some, yes, but they wish to remain unidentified :D